Plant Based Symposium: Rip Esselstyn (with German subtitles)

The „Plant Based Symposium“ starts on August 21st as a series of free YouTube videos about the health benefits of a plant-based diet. For the first time many of the best known plant-based physicians, scientists and dietitians as well as other important spokespersons of the plant-based movement were invited to share their knowledge with everyone. Starting on August 21st there will be a free video released every second day.

In Video #4 of The Plant Based Symposium Rip Esselstyn shares important information about the following topics:

1. The health benefits of switching to a plant based diet

2. The meat industry’s reaction to the book release „The Engine 2 Diet“

3. Ways to slay the „5-Headed Dragon of Western diseases“

4. The key finding’s of Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn’s research on plant-based nutrition and heat disease from the viewpoint of his son Rip.

5. Nutrition myths debunked – Rip Esselstyn on:
– Protein intake in plant-based diets
– The role of carbohydrates in weight management
– Nutrient intake in plant-based nutrition

More information about Rip Esselstyn is available at:

Rip Esselstyn on Social Media:
Facebook –
Twitter –
Instagram –

Niko Rittenau’s Webseite:
Niko Rittenau’s Facebook:
Niko Rittenau’s Instagram:

Thanks to Philipp Kasprowicz for the coordination of all subtitles and thanks to the following volunteers for doing the transcription and translation:

Deutscher Untertitel: Robyn Standke & Ruth Scala
Englischer Untertitel: Robyn Standke

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