Plant Based Symposium: Dr. Pamela Popper (with German subtitles)

The „Plant Based Symposium“ starts on August 21st as a series of free YouTube videos about the health benefits of a plant-based diet. For the first time many of the best known plant-based physicians, scientists and dietitians as well as other important spokespersons of the plant-based movement were invited to share their knowledge with everyone. Starting on August 21st there will be a free video released every second day.

In Video #10 of The Plant Based Symposium Dr. Pamela Popper shares important information about the following topics:

1. „Metabolic Acidosis“ and its effect on health

2. The effect of Antibiotics on gut health and ways to regain a healthy microbiome

3. The effect of salt on human health

4. Food as medicine: Whole-food, plant-based diets in the following diseases:
– Rheumatoid Athritis
– Asthma
– Gal Stones & Kidney stones
– Multiple Sclerosis

5. „Death by medical treatment“ (iatrogenic death) –the other side of the shield

6. The effect of coconut oil on health

7. The science behind Paleo diets: What does the current body of evidence suggest?

8. The error of attribution regarding gluten-free diets

9. The role of inflammation in the development of diseases

10. Information on water filtration


More information about Dr. Pamela Popper:

More information about Dr. Pamela Popper’s books:

Niko Rittenau’s Webseite:
Niko Rittenau’s Facebook:
Niko Rittenau’s Instagram:

Thanks to Philipp Kasprowicz for the coordination of all subtitles and thanks to the following volunteers for doing the transcription and translation:

German subtitles: Doreen Stolle
English subtitles: Leandra Bürger, Doreen Stolle & Oriane Eisenbarth

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