Lösungen zur Welternährung in 2050 | Niko Rittenau | TEDxYouth@München

Niko Rittenau ist studierter Ernährungsberater mit dem Fokus auf pflanzliche Ernährung aus Berlin. Er ist Mitbegründer des Plant Based Institute und Autor des Standardwerks “Vegan-Klischee ade!“ zum Thema pflanzlicher Ernährung. Als Ernährungsberater motiviert er zu gesundem, pflanzenbetontem Essen, indem er Fachwissen lebendig und praxisnah vermittelt. In seinem Talk zeigt Niko eine mögliche Lösung auf, wie wir im Jahre 2050 zehn Milliarden Menschen ernähren können.
Niko Rittenau is a studied nutritionist with a focus on plant nutrition from Berlin. He is a co-founder of the Plant Based Institute and author of the standard work “Vegan-Klischee ade!”. As a nutritionist, he encourages healthy, plant-based eating habits by transmitting his knowledge in a practical and aproachable way. In his talk Niko gives a possible solution to the question how we can feed ten billion people in the year 2050.



July 11, 2019
Muffatwerk München Niko Rittenau from Berlin is a studied nutritionist with a focus on plant nutrition. He is a co-founder of the Plant Based Institute and author of the standard work “Vegan-Klischee ade!”. As a nutritionist, he encourages healthy, plant-based eating habits by transmitting his knowledge in a practical and aproachable way. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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